• International scientific-somatic Congress

    Prenatal Trauma Healing

    This unique format of an interactive meeting with experienced experts will bring you up-to-date scientific knowledge and context, as well as a space for your own somatic experience. We will focus on healing unconscious traumatic imprints from early in our lives and their powerful influence on who we are and how we feel and behave in adulthood.

    The event has already taken place

Video recordings


We will explore the new field of prenatal and perinatal psychology and focus on practical ways to consciously approach the healing of maladaptive experiences that originate from the time in the mother's womb to the first year of life. The aim is to neutralize the negative effects of these early imprints on our lives. 

Our early life experiences can leave a profound imprint at the cellular level, influencing our entire life. We have the opportunity to process it constructively, leave behind what no longer serves us and be who we are at our core. 

It is also the intention of the event, through these insights and experiences, to bring about a societal change in the way we approach this very important early period in our lives, and to promote the prevention of childhood trauma. 

A healthy approach to the early years of our lives will strengthen and liberate us and future generations.



Prenatal Trauma Healing

What you are aware of you are in control of; what you are not aware of is in control of you.

Anthony de Mello, Awareness


Programme overview

  • Friday, May 3, 2024

    09:30 - 11:30 Online
    The mindful embryo - A phenomenological window to our prenatal life
    Jaap van der Wal

    13:00 - 15:00 Online
    The relational prenate - Our matrix of becoming
    Matthew Appleton

    15:30 - 17:30 Online
    Shaping the consciousness of a baby
    Apab’yan Tew

    18:30 - 20:00 From the recording
    Safety as prevention and condition of trauma healing
    Stephen Porges

  • Saturday, May 4, 2024

    10:00 - 13:00 Live & online
    Trauma and its context in cranio sacral and polarity therapy
    Radek Neškrabal

    14:30 - 17:30 Live & online
    E-motion Re-connecting Your Inner Child
    Dorothe Trassl

    19:00 - 22:00 Live & online
    About dissolution, letting go and forgiveness - Talk show DušeK
    Jaroslav Dušek, Maroš Vago, Helena Máslová, Ellynne Skove, Radek Neškrabal

  • Sunday, May 5, 2024

    08:30 - 09:30 Live & online
    Embryo yoga and regulation of the nervous system
    Tereza Winklerová

    10:00 - 12:30 Live & online
    Carrying the wounding over the lifespan and across generations
    Thomas Verny

    14:00 - 16:30 Live & online
    Bonding disruptons and repair in the mother/infant dyad
    Ellynne Skove

    17:00 - 18:30 Live & online
    The ritual of Cradling
    Jana Slavíčková


Who can you meet at the congress

Stephen Porges

Stephen Porges

Professor of psychiatry, scientist and the founder of the polyvagal theory

Matthew Appleton

Matthew Appleton

Psychotherapist, cranio sacral therapist and integrative children therapist

Jaap van der Wal

Jaap van der Wal

Anatomist-embryologist and phenomenologist

Apab’yan Tew

Apab’yan Tew

obstetrician and spiritual guide of the K'iche' Maya people

Thomas Verny

Thomas Verny

World-renowned physician, psychiatrist, scientist and pioneer of prenatal and perinatal psychology

Dorothe Trassl

Dorothe Trassl

Psychologist, yoga teacher and founder of the E-motion self-help method

Ellynne Skove

Ellynne Skove

Somatic psychotherapist specializing in pre- and perinatal psychology

Radek Neškrabal

Radek Neškrabal

Craniosacral osteopath and lecturer

Jana Slavíčková

Jana Slavíčková

Guide to Personal Transformation Rituals

Tereza Winklerová

Tereza Winklerová

Self-care and flow yoga teacher and founder of the Congress of Intelligent Movement

Jaroslav Dušek

Jaroslav Dušek

Improviser, actor, movie director

Maroš Vago

Maroš Vago

Applied Psychologist and Founder of the APU Project

Helena Máslová

Helena Máslová

Physician and psychosomatic


What you can look forward to on each day

Friday, May 3, 2024 Saturday, May 4, 2024 Sunday, May 5, 2024

May 3, 2024 from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM +0200 Online

The mindful embryo - A phenomenological window to our prenatal life

Speaker: Jaap van der Wal

In this lecture, Jaap van der Wal will present a phenomenological view of our existence as an embryo, with the question in the background: What are we actually doing when we are an embryo? Is there awareness or consciousness? Does the embryo experience itself and its environment? Is this even possible for a being that today is usually considered "brainless" and has to be valued as a kind of "not yet (adult) being"?

The mindful embryo - A phenomenological window to our prenatal life

May 3, 2024 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM +0200 Online

The relational prenate - Our matrix of becoming

Speaker: Matthew Appleton

Our most formative experiences take place before birth. This seminar focuses on the needs of the prenatal person and how we can support them to create a healthy foundation for the emerging self.

The relational prenate - Our matrix of becoming

May 3, 2024 from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM +0200 Online

Shaping the consciousness of a baby

Speaker: Apab’yan Tew

The ancestral Mayan philosophy takes us into the world of pregnancy, where the child is conscious and receptive. We are given an introduction to millennia of knowledge, zealously preserved, which reveals the approach of Mayan medicine - and predicts the individual character of the human being from the womb.

Shaping the consciousness of a baby

May 3, 2024 from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM +0200 From the recording

Safety as prevention and condition of trauma healing

Speaker: Stephen Porges

3.5. 18:30 - 20:00 only on record / live already 22.4. 17:00 - 18:30 Much of this interactive session with an authority on the diagnosis and treatment of traumatic stress will be devoted to your questions, answered directly by Mr. Stephen Porges. 
This meeting is suitable for both therapists and lay people who want to better understand themselves and those around them.

Safety as prevention and condition of trauma healing

May 4, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM +0200 Live & online

Trauma and its context in cranio sacral and polarity therapy

Speaker: Radek Neškrabal

The context in Cranio Sacral and Polarity Therapy is the interconnection of the inner and outer worlds and its impact on the development and continuation of life. Moments of difficult and challenging situations imprinted in the tissue-fluid system have an impact on the anatomy, physiology and vital force of the sentient being and on its original developmental matrix of health. How, then, to help achieve optimal alignment and functionality approaching the original matrix of health.

Trauma and its context in cranio sacral and polarity therapy

May 4, 2024 from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM +0200 Live & online

E-motion Re-connecting Your Inner Child

Speaker: Dorothe Trassl

For a variety of reasons, some of us have inherited trauma from our ancestors or adopted coping strategies and emotionality from our parents. Often this is a burden at this point in life now. We discover a whole new way of healing, that uproots deeply stored cellular memories, ingrained traumas and injuries that we have not had access to before. The E-motion method is about working with the body, regulating emotions and clearing trauma. In this session, you will explore techniques that focus on regulating your nervous system and releasing old trauma that was held in your body, that you might not even be aware of. The ability to regulate your nervous system and your emotions in everyday life brings greater peace and joy, a release of tension and stress, more self-awareness, and a more conscious approach to decision-making.

E-motion Re-connecting Your Inner Child

May 4, 2024 from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM +0200 Live & online

About dissolution, letting go and forgiveness - Talk show DušeK

Speakers: Jaroslav Dušek, Maroš Vago, Helena Máslová, Ellynne Skove, Radek Neškrabal

A talk show on how to love life in all its forms and movements. Duše K - Dissolution, letting go and forgiveness with Jaroslav Dušek and his guests Maroš Vago, Helena Máslova, Ellynne Skove and Radek Neškrabal.

About dissolution, letting go and forgiveness

May 5, 2024 from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM +0200 Live & online

Embryo yoga and regulation of the nervous system

Speaker: Tereza Winklerová

This morning workshop will be very playful, hands-on and experiential. It will not only be about embryology, developmental patterns and evolutionary contexts, but also about the quality of neutral or regulating the autonomic nervous system through breathing practice.

Embryo yoga and regulation of the nervous system

May 5, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM +0200 Live & online

Carrying the wounding over the lifespan and across generations

Speaker: Thomas Verny

Exposure to stressful or hostile conditions in utero is associated with impaired development and lifelong risk of adverse health outcomes. The effects of prenatal trauma persist because the traumatic event is locked into the body's cellular structure. Traumatic events are imprinted in the genetic material of germ cells and can thus be transmitted over several generations.

Carrying the wounding over the lifespan and across generations

May 5, 2024 from 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM +0200 Live & online

Bonding disruptons and repair in the mother/infant dyad

Speaker: Ellynne Skove

In this seminar we will learn about prenatal and perinatal psychology and how it relates to health. We will focus on the importance of bonding, bonding disruption, and interventions to remedy bonding. We will explore the imprints of conception, pregnancy and birth.

Bonding disruptons and repair in the mother/infant dyad

May 5, 2024 from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM +0200 Live & online

The ritual of Cradling

Speaker: Jana Slavíčková

The Cradling ritual provides a way to view one's own prenatal and perinatal experience from the level of the body's memory. In a safe space, with enough time for everything, it is possible to reframe these experiences of ours and give the body and soul the opportunity to experience this unique liminal time of birth differently. The workshop will include a hands-on demonstration with a mannequin who has already gone through her own Ritual of Cradling process.

The ritual of Cradling

Why should we be an active part of this educational yet practical wave of pivotal life knowledge?
For the love of ourselves and our descendants.


Scientific knowledge
somatic experience


Leading foreign
Czech experts


Online streaming


An overview of
practical options,
to help us

Books launch

The congress also includes the launch of two books. The Czech edition of Thomas Verny's bestseller - The Secret Life of the Unborn Child. It has already been "born" and you can buy it in the pre-sale at Bohemica Books or on the spot in the presence of Thomas.
Another book we will be christening at the Congress is Matthew Appleton's book - this is currently still in what is called the prenatal period, but we believe it will be "born" by the time the Congress takes place.


Transitions to Wholeness
Matthew Appleton

Frequently asked questions

What is trauma?

According to Stephen Porges, trauma is a complex phenomenon that involves both psychological and physiological dysregulation. Trauma is characterized by experiences that exceed an individual's ability to cope with situations and disrupt the autonomic nervous system's response to stress. As Dorothe Trassl says, trauma is not what happened to us, however painful and challenging such a situation may have been, but what is stored in our nervous system from that situation.

What is prenatal trauma?

According to Thomas Verny's theory, prenatal trauma is an experience that affects a child's development in the period before birth. This experience may include stress, emotional strain or physical discomfort for the mother that can be passed on to the fetus and affect its later mental, emotional and physical health. Perinatal trauma, according to Thomas Verny, includes traumatic events or stressful situations that occur around the time of the birth of the child, i.e. during pregnancy, birth and shortly afterwards. These events can affect both mother and child and can have long-term effects on their mental, emotional and physical health. Perinatal trauma can include complications during birth, serious health problems in the newborn or mother, or stress associated with new motherhood.

How do I know if I'm carrying trauma?

According to Stephen Porges, you can recognize the presence of trauma in your body and mental state in several ways that reflect dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system. Some of these signs may include: Increased reactivity to stress: You may notice that you get into a state of anxiety, fear or arousal more quickly when exposed to stressful situations. Difficulty regulating emotions: You may have difficulty regulating strong emotions, such as fear, anger, or sadness, and you may feel yourself having mood or emotional swings. Problems with interpersonal relationships: Trauma can affect your ability to establish and maintain healthy relationships with others. You may have difficulty trusting others or feel isolated. Physical symptoms: Trauma can cause a variety of physical symptoms, such as chronic pain, body tension, gastrointestinal problems, or migraines. Sleep and behavioral changes: You may notice changes in sleep patterns, such as nightmares, insomnia, or excessive sleepiness. You may also notice changes in your behavior, such as increased irritability or withdrawal behavior. It is important to note that the presence of these symptoms may not clearly mean that you are suffering from trauma, but they may indicate a need for further exploration and support.

What is somatics?

Therapist, yoga teacher and coach Ellynne Skove, considers somatics to be a multidimensional approach to understanding and transforming the body, mind and emotions that emphasizes awareness of bodily experience and body awareness. This approach allows us to explore the connections between our bodily expressions, emotions, thoughts and life experiences. Somatics invites us to a deeper understanding of the body as a source of wisdom and a tool for self-knowledge and personal development.

What do I mean by a scientific-somatic congress?

This scientific-somatic congress involves a gathering of experts and researchers in the field of pre- and perinatal development and experts in the field of somatic psychology and physical movement. The aim of this congress is therefore not only to present the latest research, but also to provide an opportunity to experience and explore concepts and theories directly in the body. Moreover, the somatic experience can inspire new ideas, creativity and innovation.

What techniques for working with trauma will be presented at this conference?

- See Programme and Presentation Annotation

Is the congress suitable for the public?

Yes, the congress is suitable for the public interested in healing pre- and perinatal trauma. This may include expectant parents, parents of young children, family members who want to actively contribute to trauma healing, or people who want to heal their own pre or perinatal trauma.

How can I contribute or present at the conference?

Students and researchers with a focus on pre- and perinatal trauma will have the opportunity to present their research poster in the social areas of the congress. If you are interested in presenting your research poster, please email us at [email protected].

Will there be a certificate available for participants?

A certificate for participants will be available upon written request. Please contact [email protected].

What are the networking opportunities at the congress?

Experts and professionals from different disciplines and therapeutic approaches will be present at the congress and can be approached individually on site. We do not plan organized networking.

Partners & Supporters